
26/6/24 - see below for latest advice on Heatwave Guidance


UNISON has members working throughout the education system – Enfield has over 72 Primary schools and over 20 Secondary schools. Not to mention the growing number of Schools that cater for Children with special educational needs.

Stars in our Schools is an annual event held every November to celebrate the Wonderful school support staff and their unique skills used to help pupils of all abilities.

We have an Education Convenor within Enfield Unison who is available for assistance when needed.

A lot of schools also have stewards and Health and Safety Reps within them who have invaluable skills to assist members.

Email: with any concerns or queries you have or if you are interested in becoming a workplace representative.

Sexism in schools survey 2024

UNISON published its report on school support staff experiences of sexism in schools following our earlier survey this year with UK Feminista.


 The story got coverage in the Guardian, the Independent and other news outlets including Talk TV so many thanks to Press colleagues for their work on this.


The survey findings have also been used to inform training for members we commissioned from UK Feminista. The first session went really well. School staff are encouraged to sign up for the next one on 8 October at 4pm – they can sign up here: How to tackle sexism and sexual harassment in schools | UNISON College


Given the current weather in some parts of the UK, we are receiving enquiries about working in high temperatures.  Please read the joint union heatwave protocol for schools here.   There is also detailed guidance for members online here: and we have specific Heatwave advice for catering staff.


UNISON is the largest Trade union representing Support Staff both nationally and in the local authority.

We currently have over 1500 members in Enfield from schools and this is rising weekly.

Our aim is to have an elected active Steward in each school. We are continuing our plan to visit each school within the borough (as we did pre covid) to aid the recruitment of Stewards, Health and Safety reps and contacts personally. We provide courses for members to fulfill these roles and others.

If you think your school would benefit from a visit please let us know:

See Tina Kemp, one of our activists in action. Teaching children and trainee teachers, the BSL language on BBC See Hear, Series 43, Episode 1